Carbon Label
Application, Certification and Verification
Manufacturers calculate their products’ carbon footprints in accordance with the Carbon Footprint of a Product-Product Category Rules (CFP-PCR). Third-party certification bodies then carry out certification work and issue a statement. When manufacturers receive certification statements, they submit their information to the Taiwan CFP labeling electronic application system and upload supporting documentation, which will be verified by an EPA-commissioned agency. Once the information and documentation have been verified, the application will be officially accepted. Next, the agency conducts conformity checks, and after reconfirming the authenticity of the documents, it sends the application to the EPA’s CFP Labeling Checking Group for review. When the reviews have been approved, manufacturers are granted a certificate and the right to use carbon footprint labels on their products.
Applictaion process
To ensure that Taiwan’s CFP labeling policy is internally consistent and in line with global standards, the EPA has studied CFP certification regulations in other countries and compared them with current practices and guidelines on calculating carbon footprints for products and services in Taiwan in order to establish a standardized CFP certification process. Certification bodies must follow this process when they carry out verification work, and manufacturers can refer to it when verifying their carbon footprints by themselves. This standardized process will improve the quality of CFP evaluation and help promote CFP labeling in Taiwan.
Certification process
In response to rising awareness for environmental protection across the world and market demand, the EPA will commission the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) to manage and oversee the quality and reliability of third-party certification bodies. TAF supervision will further ensure that CFP certification bodies have the ability to provide high-quality service and enhance the credibility of CFP calculation and evaluation.

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