
Asia Carbon Footprint Network (ACFN) Annual Meeting and Seminar 2018

The ENEA Office and the Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI), as co-secretariat of the Asia Carbon Footprint Network (ACFN), jointly organize four events in Phnom Penh, Cambodia from 11 to 13 September 2018:

(1) Annual Network Meeting,

(2) Working Group Meeting on Developing Common Product Category Rules (PCRs) for Carbon Emission Calculation Applied to Products,

(3) Seminar, and (4) Capacity Building Workshop


- Annual Network Meeting
The Network Meeting will review the progresses in the planned activities in 2017-2018 and discuss plans for 2019.


- Working Group Meeting on Developing Common Product Category Rules (PCRs) for Carbon Emission Calculation Applied to Products
Working Group Meeting on PCRs will identify discrepancies in the product category rules for skin and hair products and cooking oil and discuss the ways to develop common PCRs.


- Seminar
The Seminar 2018 in partnership with the ASEM SMEs Eco-innovation Center for SMEs and the Ministry of Environment of Cambodia is specifically designed to empower SMEs to contribute to the SDGs through policies, strategies, and practices for eco-innovation and sustainable production and consumption.


- Capacity Building Workshop
Capacity building workshop is expected to improve the capacity of Cambodian policy makers and facilitate sharing of successful strategies and experience in environmental and carbon labelling schemes.




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